25th SAASTEC Conference
25 – 28 November 2024
Cape Town
Welcome to Cape Town
The 25th SAASTEC Conference will take place from 25 to 28 November 2024 in Cape Town under the main theme Science Engagement Embracing Research And Innovation In Bridging The Gap Between Science & Society.
There will be two sub-themes, Explore and discover the cosmos – From the depth’s oceans to the “edge” of the Universe and Journeying with the United Nations into the world of the Camelids.
The conference venue is the Garden Court Nelson Mandela Boulevard (Corner Melbourne and Coronation Road &, Melbourne Rd, Walmer Estate, Cape Town, 8001).

Conference Objectives
To share experiences on the themes of the conference and catalyze future exchange of knowledge among colleagues in the SADC countries and the world networks.
To focus on the impact of science and technology centres in the regions they serve.
To stimulate the development of science and technology centres and to present models that could enhance education and change in Southern Africa.
To interact with the relevant regional and national government officials, partners from the private sector, academics and students from Higher Education Institutions, principals, teachers, interested stakeholders and members of the community.